Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Be The B.E.S.T To Achieve Success For All

Welcome to Year 1 Green Base


Mrs Hodgkinson, Mrs Herrington and Mrs Crookes WELCOME you to Year 1 in Green Base!


Welcome to our class page, where you will find all the useful information that you will need during your time in our class.

If there is any information that you can't find on our class page please get in touch with the school office by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our day starts at 8:40am when our door will be open for children to come in until 8:50am. Our day ends at 3:10pm. 
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children need to come to school in their PE kit which is trainers, black shorts/bottoms, a white t-shirt and black zip up jacket. Please make sure your child can remove their own earrings or remove these prior to PE on these days, Thanks.

Homework is daily reading in year one and two. Please make sure you write in your child’s reading record once you have read with them. The aim is to read a minimum of 5 times in a week. For 5 to 10 minutes per time. This will greatly help your child build fluency in reading. Our book swap day is Monday where children in year 1 will receive a new book if they have brought their old book back.


In Key Stage One we will also practice reading and spelling the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words. These will be sent home at the beginning of each half term in reading records and will be highlighted when the children can read and spell these. Year two's will also have weekly spelling rule lists sent home to practice throughout the year.  


As well as regular reading and spelling, we hand out half termly homework projects based upon the upcoming focus in class. 


In half term six, our topic is based on a book called 'The Tin Forest' which is part of our wider school topic that is called 'Take One Book.'


Take a look at our most recent learning experiences...


During Science Week, Year 1 had to investigate what materials would protect Humpty Dumpty if he was to have another fall. Before completing the investigation, we had to decide on what materials we would test. Everyone chose a material and designed what that might look like. Some ideas included a trampoline, a bed, bubble wrap, a blanket, a parachute and a metal shell.


This half term, Year 1 are looking at Judaism. We are learning about who is Jewish and what they believe in, as well as looking at items that are precious to them.

We started by creating a Handy Hand. This shows us –

  • The name of the religion
  • The name of the followers
  • Who do Jewish people believe in?
  • Place of worship
  • Special book

Eco Warrior

Our Eco Warrior wanted us to create posters for around the school to encourage children not to litter. We designed our own posters and talked about why we shouldn’t litter and what might happen if we do.