Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Be The B.E.S.T To Achieve Success For All


Science at Reignhead Primary School


At Reignhead Primary School we aspire for our pupils to have a good knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We aim to encourage children to think and ask questions about how things work and have the skills to find out if they do not know.

As part of our Science curriculum, we carry out lots of interesting and engaging practical activities to support the children with their learning starting in Nursery by observing floating and sinking to our older children investigating electrical circuits.

Science Week is an annual week long event we hold in school filled with lots of exciting, engaging, practical experiments to enthuse and engage our children as scientists.

Key Aims

The primary aims of Science at Reignhead are to:

  1. Provide children with opportunities to investigate scientific ideas using the 5 types of enquiry. This means children are given lots of opportunities to research, conduct comparative and fair tests, observe changes over time, look for and find patterns and identify, classify and group items.
  2. Develop children’s curiosity about the natural world and develop inquisitive minds that ask questions and think critically and creatively to solve problems which they can use in and around the classroom but also outside of school in the natural world.
  3. Expand children’s ability to present scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences in a variety of ways.


Content and Skills

Throughout their time at Reignhead, children are taught discreet science lessons in Key Stages 1 and 2 whereby they cover all programmes of study as outlined in the National Curriculum on a two- year cycle. In Foundation Stage, Science is planned for within topics through our ‘Understanding the World’ area of learning but is also incidental and can arise at any time following children’s interests and learning in the moment.


 Long and medium term plans are devised to help ensure there are opportunities to revisit previous learning, whether that be from within the current topic, same topic from previous year groups and also missed learning.


Children are provided with opportunities to participate in a fun, engaging, high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. There should be a buzz of enthusiasm during science lessons many of which, where possible, are practical hands on activities. Children are able to work scientifically and use appropriate vocabulary to communicate their scientific learning.