Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Be The B.E.S.T To Achieve Success For All


Social and emotional aspects of learning are a vital part of every moment of a school day.

Here at Reignhead, we are dedicated to giving children the chance to explore and discuss their world in the safe environment of the classroom. This includes concepts such as: friendships, family, online safety and mental and physical health. The purpose is to equip the children with knowledge and understanding of themselves and the enormous value they have. Further to this, they learn how they are a part of their community and the wider world in all its diversity and the importance of tolerance.   

This subject is taught in one lesson each week, where they actively learn and discuss. The children also take part in Circle Time weekly where they develop essential skills such as listening, co-operating, communicating, concentrating and thinking skills that not only support their social and emotional development but also their academic life.

In addition to this, we refer to the Zones of Regulation daily, this activity provides the children an awareness of the whole range of emotions that they and their class-mates may experience and consider a range of ways that we can cope with these feelings on a daily basis or more importantly at stressful times; this is self-regulation. We want all of our children to have a heathy mind-set and develop positive and effective emotional resilience.

Importantly, all of the above learning is considered and referred to in the children’s daily lives as they are always asked to reflect on being ready, being kind and keeping themselves and others safe. These values are at the core of everything that we deliver to the children at Reignhead and intertwine throughout the entire curriculum.