Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Be The B.E.S.T To Achieve Success For All

Our Core Values

Our B.E.S.T Core Values help us to create a positive attitude and are therefore what children think. They are the heart of everything that we do! The ethos stems from this - if we work together, and everyone is trying to be the best they can be, we will definitely achieve success for all.
Be Determined
Embrace Learning
Show Respect
Take Responsibility
We take pride in our Core Values because they help children set high aspirations for themselves in life; enabling them to develop a love of learning and a determination to succeed. 

In addition to our Core Values, we teach the children to follow our three Golden Rules. They are simple to remember and help the children understand how to behave so that they can be successful learners and responsible citizens. The rules are:
I am ready to learn
I am kind and gentle
I keep myself and others safe
‘I am ready to learn’ refers to being prepared with the correct equipment (PE kit, Book Bag, packed lunch) but also about being ready to listen and follow instructions the first time they are given.
‘I am kind and gentle’ refers to being kind with words and gentle with actions.
‘I keep myself and others safe’ encourages children to be aware of potential dangers – this can be as simple as tucking your chair under the table, sitting properly and walking sensibly around school but also extends to wider issues such as online safety.
Please ask your child about the rules and check that they understand them – you might want to use the rules at home as well!