Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Be The B.E.S.T To Achieve Success For All

Welcome to Year 3/4 Brown Base

Miss Tipton, Miss Hutchinson and Mrs Wolstenholme welcome you to Year 3 and 4 in Brown Base!


Welcome to our class page, where you will be able to find all the useful information you need for the year and see some of our brilliant learning as well.

If there is any information you cannot see on this page, please come and see us when you pick up your child or contact the school office by email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Our school day starts at 8:40am when our classroom door will be open to welcome your child into school until 8:50am. Our school day ends at 3:10pm.



Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday (Y4 go swimming for their PE lesson on Friday from half term 4). Children need to come to school in their PE kit.

This includes:


Their team coloured t-shirt

Black shorts/bottoms

Black zip up/ jumper or hoodie

Please be aware your child needs long hair tied back and to be able to remove their own earrings on these days as well.



We love reading books from our year 3/4 reading spine. Regular reading at home really does help your children to become fluent confident readers. Therefore, we ask that they read at home at least 5 times in a week. This could be, for example, a school book, comic, magazine or recipe. We know that finding the time can be tricky but reading regularly at home really does make a difference.  We kindly ask that your child brings their reading book and reading record in a book bag every day.



We learn a new spelling rule each week which is on the termly homework sheet. You can support your child by playing spelling games and practicing writing the spellings - maybe in your fanciest coloured pens! In addition to this, they will also need to practise key words from the Year 3/4 Spelling List.



Regular times table practise is really beneficial for your child as they progress in Year 3 and 4. TTRockstars and Sumdog is a good place to start: your child will have their own log in.


A new topic is introduced each half term. Your child will receive a Knowledge Organiser of important facts alongside a selection of topic related activities they can complete.


During half term six, we will be learning all about the ‘Rivers'.


Take a look at our most recent learning...


Our ‘experience days’ throughout our English lessons in half term one really enhanced our learning. Miss Tipton was blown away by some of the FANTASTIC vocabulary we came up with!

We explored a range of plants and flowers, examining their features to help us write a non-chronological report about an amazing plant discovery.

For our narrative story about the plague in Eyam, we used drama to consider how the characters would move and feel in our stories.


We were very fascinated by our recent science topic – ‘Forces and Magnets’. Throughout the half term, we conducted a range of experiments to investigate different pushes and pulls and how easily they moved on surfaces. We also loved learning about magnets! We now know that opposite poles attract, while the same poles repel!


What a fabulous half-term we had learning all about the Great Plague in Eyam (1665-1666). We are now experts at explaining how the plague arrived in Eyam, how the villagers dealt with the disease, and which important people were significant during this time period. Our trip to the village of Eyam was a wonderful way to conclude our learning. We visited the real boundary stone, explored cottages and visited the Eyam Parish Church. We even saw a life-size ‘Plague Doctor’ in the museum!